Shoot for a Cure

The West Point Gun Club (WPGC) and the Mattaponi Sundowners
are proud to announce the 2024
Pat Graves Memorial Shoot for a Cure
It’s a bit early to be writing about a Cowboy Action match in October, but this one is our annual charity match that we host during breast cancer awareness month.  Pat (a.k.a. Sassy Shooting Sours) started the Shoot for a Cure match in 2012 and it’s been held every year since then.  A match was held in 2020, but it was not a fund-raiser because the last-minute lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in Virginia left no time for planning.
Last year, we had 47 registered shooters and raised $17,500, increasing the total since 2012 to $92,998.  Every penny is donated to the American Cancer Society (ACS), including match fees and a WPGC contribution of $5 for each pre-registered shooter.  The rest comes from: 1) donations by cash or check; 2) sale of raffle tickets; 3) winning bids on silent auctions; and 4) sale of merchandise “flea-market” style.  All merchandise (for the raffle, for the auctions, or for direct sale) is donated for that purpose.  All donations are tax-deductible and receipts will be available at the match. 
Mark October 20th on your calendar and start thinking about how you might help this worthy cause.  You don’t have to be at the match to make a donation.  Contact Gary Graves (Potter County Kid) at 804.241.5418 or at and let him know your plans.  Ship merchandise to Gary at 3030 King William Ave., West Point VA 23181, or give it to him at a match this summer when you have it available.  If writing a check, make it payable to “American Cancer Society”.
Shoot for a Cure is a single-day 6-stage match.  We have had 66 different shooters in the past 3 years, but not all at one time.  The average is 43, shooting with 3 posses on 3 target bays.  Advance registration is not necessary, but it helps greatly with planning and each one adds $5 to the donation received from WPGC.  There is no form to fill out and nothing to mail.  The match fee will be collected at the match.  For this match only, the fee will be $20 (including club members).  
Registration couldn’t be easier.  Just send Gary an e-mail or text message, or simply reply to this e-mail with the words “I’ll be there” or “I’m a definite maybe”.  I’ll use recent history for your category unless you provide one with your message.  You can verify it or change it when you check in on match day.
Pat’s goal each year was “One Dollar More”.  Let’s make this match the best one yet!
-Swifty McDraw

SASS Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout Results Part 2

Howdy Again,

Well, my head is back to room temp (with A/C), my grey matter seems to be working again, and the Smoke on the Mattaponi scores are what they should be.  The detailed version is attached, along with ‘clean’ shooters and the results of the Plainsman match.  If you need a corrected copy of the scores sent last night, they will be posted on the WPGC web site sometime soon.  Not quite as soon, I hope to post the contents of a  thumb drive with photos of all shooters, courtesy of Buzzard Bayne (the volunteer with a camera).  If you follow him on facebook, he also shot some video.
Many thanks once again to our 23 Sponsors, which included 10 individuals, 10 businesses, and each of our 3 nearby Cowboy Action clubs.  Thanks also to those who participated in our raffle and congratulations to all the winners.
I could spend the rest of the day thanking everyone who contributed toward the planning, the preparation, and the execution of this match.  On behalf of Potter County Kid, our match director, we thank each and every one of you.  We had a safe match and (hopefully) we all had fun.
-Swifty McDraw

SASS Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout Results Part 1


We had 28 of 32 registered shooters brave the heat and shoot the Smoke on the Mattaponi match today.  Congratulations to Ripsaw, the top Cowboy and to J. C. Phoenix, the top Cowgirl.
Preliminary scores are attached, one by category and one by overall time.  There is one error that only affects one shooter which I will try to fix when my brain cools off.  Leford Leroy is listed with a MDQ but in fact shot 256.48, putting him in 16th place.
Thanks to the many hot and tired cowboys and cowgirls who endured the brutal afternoon heat and dismantled and stored all the targets, props, tents, fans, etc.  
More news and detailed scores will follow in a day or two.
-Swifty McDraw
See Part 2 for Scores

SASS Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout

Smoke on the Mattaponi is this coming Saturday! 
  • 32 registered shooters; 2 posses
  • Main Match round count 60 pistol – 60 rifle – 24+ shotgun
  • Plainsman round count 10 pistol – 5 rifle – 2+ shotgun
Stage descriptions will be available at the range when you check in, along with a name tag and door prizes for all shooters.  Check in with Swifty McDraw (in or near Bay 2).
Thanks again to our 23 generous sponsors who made the door prizes, the raffle, the awards, and the match itself, possible.
Raffle tickets will be on sale throughout the match.  A single ticket is $5, you get 5 tickets for $20.  You’ll want lots of tickets for chances to win items valued at over $1500.00.  Put your tickets (as many as you want) in your choice of four “buckets”.  There will be 1 draw from each of the 3 ‘special item’ buckets, then 21 draws from the ‘anything on the table’ bucket.  The first winner gets his/her first choice from the table, etc, until the table is empty.  It will go a lot faster if you write your name on the back of your ticket.
The long-range weather forecast says it will be a dry but hot day.  We will have tents, fans, and coolers full of drinking water.
As with all SASS-sanctioned matches, there will be ‘Best Dressed’ awards for men and ladies.  Anonymous judges will be covertly checking you out, so be nice to everybody.
A schedule of events is attached; you may want to bring a copy with you.  
See you soon.
-Swifty McDraw

Sunday Match Results

Howdy and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads, Grand-Dads, and Great-Grand-Dads who follow Cowboy Action Shooting.

We had a nice simple match today, which was good because 1) at least half the crowd seemed to be testing black powder loads or practicing for Smoke on the Mattaponi next week; and 2) because it was HOT! Tents and a part-time breeze made it tolerable.

Congratulations to Ripsaw, our match winner, and to Ripsaw, Bingo Montana, Potter County Kid, and Shinbone for shooting a clean match.

Scores attached.  Overall  Details  Clean Shooters

Looking forward to seeing many of you next Saturday.
-Swifty McDraw

Sunday Match

Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,
The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Sunday June 16th at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 10:00, the safety meeting will be at 12:15, and we start shooting at 12:30
Stages by Bingo Montana attached.
-Swifty McDraw

Sunday June 16th Stages

Saturday Match Results

Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,

What a terrific way to start a holiday weekend.  A great Cowboy Action match with a posse of friends and beautiful weather at the range.  Thanks to those who set up targets on Friday, to the early arrivals who set up tables and tents, and to all for pitching in to tear it down.
Congratulations to Cody Maverick for winning the match.  Honorable mention goes to Ripsaw, who finished 2nd by 00.01 seconds.  Congrats also to our five clean shooters (listed in one of the attachments)
Hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day weekend.  Drive safe if you are traveling.
Our next match is on Father’s Day (Sunday, June 16).
On Saturday June 22, we have Smoke on the Mattaponi, the SASS Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout.  The shooter’s list grew by 1 yesterday and 2 more today.
Scores attached.
-Swifty McDraw
Scores – Overall View
Scores – Detailed View
Clean Shooters

Saturday Match

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Saturday May 25th at the West Point Gun Club.

Gates will open at 8:00, the safety meeting will be at 9:45, and we start shooting at 10:00

Stages by Cody Maverick are attached.

-Swifty McDraw

P.S. In the near future, the Mattaponi Sundowners will be adding a Wild Bunch category to our regular monthly matches, shooting the regular stages with a 1911 pistol instead of revolvers. If you are interested in participating, get your gear and ammo (45acp) ready.

WPGC Cowboy May 25 2024 Stages

Range Open to All Members this Sunday 5/19/24

WPGC Members,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be supporting the KC’s Corral Thunder in the Brush match this Sunday May 19th, so the regularly scheduled Cowboy Action Match at WPGC will not be held.  

The WPGC range will be available for general use to all members.


Mattaponi Sundowners: Saturday Match

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Saturday April 27th at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 8:00, the safety meeting will be at 9:45, and we start shooting at 10:00
Stages by Ripsaw are attached.  He is having a medical procedure and won’t be there.  We wish him well.
Weather guessers are predicting temps in the low-to-mid 60’s with cloud cover and a light breeze.  Hope to see you on Saturday.
-Swifty McDraw