Sunday Match Results


What a day! If you weren’t there, you missed a good one – good crowd, good weather, and good sportsmanship. You also missed seeing Bingo Montana win his first match at WPGC (lots of times in second place; no firsts until today). He was also the only shooter today with no misses and no P’s. Congratulations Bingo. Mac Moshannon laid claim to the ‘dagnabbit’ award (one miss and no P’s).

Welcome back to Single Barrel Sam; haven’t seen him in a long time. Also, it was good to see Prairie City Slim and One Eyed Jane, who stopped by to watch the match and join us afterward for dinner.

Among the four of us in the Josey Wales category, Potter County Kid took the honors, followed at a distance by Wistful McClintock. Cotton Connie and I unintentionally competed for the most misses. Oh well, it was a lot of fun. Flatboat Bob was planning to shoot Josey Wales, but other obligations had priority. He can’t shoot long guns any more, so he was going to shoot with six revolvers (fifth = shotgun; sixth = ‘split’ shotgun from a different prop). Stay tuned — he might be doing that at Shoot for a Cure, coming up on October 20th.

Scores Attached. 

-Swifty McDraw

Sunday Josey Wales Match

Howdy Cowboys, Cowgirls, and fans of The Outlaw Josey Wales, a 1976 classic.

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Sunday September 15th at the West Point Gun Club.

Gates will open at 10:00; the safety meeting will be at 12:15; we start shooting at 12:30.

This will be our annual Josey Wales match. Shooters in the JW category will use 4 pistols. Two of the pistols will be staged and fired in accordance with stage descriptions for the rifle. Holstered pistols may not be fired at rifle targets; staged ‘pistols’ (substitutes for the rifle) may not be fired at pistol targets. All 4 pistols must be fired Duelist, Double-Duelist, or Gunfighter style with one hand. You do not need 4 holsters; you may ask for help staging the “rifle” pistols or your shotgun.

The Josey Wales (JW) category is an option. All normal SASS categories are available. The Wild Bunch category will not be available at this match.

If you’ve never heard of the Internet Movie Database (, pay a visit and search for ‘Josey Wales’. My favorite section is usually ‘Trivia’, but for this movie the ‘Quotes’ section is a ‘must read’. You can also click on your favorite character(s) for a biography and a list of their other movie credits.

Stages by yours truly attached.  Swifty Match for Sept 15

-Swifty McDraw

Saturday Match Results

We had 11 shooters who enjoyed near-ideal weather at the range today until the mid-day sun warmed things up a bit. Still, not too bad for August.

Congratulations to Dakota Rambler for the win (by a whopping 1.30 seconds). That gives Ripsaw the ‘dagnabbit’ award. Congrats also to Potter County Kid and BeerBarrel, the only two who put all rounds on the correct targets in the proper order.

For those who were with us today – thanks for coming. For those who were warming up for the VA State Championship next weekend – see you there.

Scores attached. A minor glitch that didn’t affect standings has been corrected.

Mattaponi Sundowners 4th Sat. (8_24_24)_ Overall Winners List by Time

Mattaponi Sundowners 4th Sat. (8_24_24)_ Overall Winners Details by Time

-Swifty McDraw

Saturday Match


The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Saturday August 24th at the West Point Gun Club.

Gates will open at 8:00, the safety meeting will be at 9:45, and we start shooting at 10:00

The Wild Bunch category will be available at this match. Shooters will use a 1911 pistol (.45acp) with two 5-round magazines instead of two revolvers. Any SASS main match rifle may be used. Any SASS main match shotgun may be used. The “comstock rule” for shotgun knockdowns will be in effect. The 1911 pistol must conform with the current SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting handbook.

Stages by Major B.S. Walker are attached:  Mattaponi Match Whale Oil AUG

-Swifty McDraw

Sunday Match Results


Thankfully, the storm(s) held off until after the match. They’re getting close now, so I’ll make this short before my lights go out.

Congratulations to Ripsaw, our match winner, and to Ripsaw and Wistful McClintock for shooting the match clean.

Hope to see you at our match next Saturday and at the Virginia State Championships on Labor Day weekend.

Scores attached.

-Swifty McDraw

Mattaponi Sundowners 3rd Sun. (8_18_24)_ Overall Winners List by Time

Mattaponi Sundowners 3rd Sun. (8_18_24)_ Overall Winners Details by Time

Sunday Match


The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Sunday August 18th at the West Point Gun Club.

Gates will open at 10:00, the safety meeting will be at 12:15, and we start shooting at 12:30.

The Wild Bunch category will be available at this match. Shooters will use a 1911 pistol (.45acp) with two 5-round magazines instead of two revolvers. Any SASS main match rifle may be used. Any SASS main match shotgun may be used. The “comstock rule” for shotgun knockdowns will be in effect. The 1911 pistol must conform with the current SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting handbook.

Stages by Ripsaw attached.  2024 WP 18 August

-Swifty McDraw

Saturday Match Results


We had a good match today.  It was designed for hot weather with a minimum of running around, but the weather was actually quite nice.  Mid-80’s with low humidity and a nice breeze felt good after some of the muggy days earlier this month.
Two new shooters joined us today.  Welcome to ‘Jameson Janes’ and his dad ‘Justified’ from Tennessee and other places that military service has taken them.  Jameson recently transferred from the west coast to the Tidewater area.  We hope to have ‘Jameson’ shoot with us on a regular basis and hope that ‘Justified’ will come back whenever he is visiting the area.
Congratulations to today’s match winner, Dakota Rambler, and to our one and only clean shooter, Mac Moshannon.  Looks like Dakota and Wistful earned a “Dagnabbit” award for ‘clean except for that one that got away’.
Scores attached.
-Swifty McDraw

Saturday Match

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Saturday July 27th at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 8:00, the safety meeting will be at 9:45, and we start shooting at 10:00
The Wild Bunch category will be available at this match.  Shooters will use a 1911 pistol (.45acp) with two 5-round magazines instead of two revolvers.  Any SASS main match rifle may be used.  Any SASS main match shotgun may be used.  The “comstock rule” for shotgun knockdowns will be in effect.  The 1911 pistol must conform with the current SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting handbook.
Stages by Potter County Kid are attached.
-Swifty McDraw

Sunday Match Results

Howdy again,

We had a dozen shooters competing under clear skies at the match today.
Congratulations to Cody Maverick, our winner, and to our two clean shooters: Major B.S. Walker and Kuba Kid.
We thank a new member of our posse, Dood, for seeking us out and joining us at today’s match.  He recently relocated from the Florida panhandle to the Tidewater area and we hope to see him on a regular basis at WPGC and other nearby matches for years to come.
Scores attached in two popular formats.
-Swifty McDraw

Sunday Match

Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,
The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Sunday July 21st at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 10:00, the safety meeting will be at 12:15, and we start shooting at 12:30.
The Wild Bunch category will be available at this match.  Shooters will use a 1911 pistol (.45acp) with two 5-round magazines instead of two revolvers.  Any SASS main match rifle may be used.  Any SASS main match shotgun may be used.  The “comstock rule” for shotgun knockdowns will be in effect.  The 1911 pistol must conform with the current SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting handbook.
Stages by yours truly attached.  Swifty Match for July 21
-Swifty McDraw