Email Distribution Lists

The West Point Gun Club maintains several email distribution lists that are used for match announcements.

We use a service called “Google Groups” to provide our mailing lists and this service is provided by Google. You may use any email address to receive our emails, but Google requires that everyone have a Google Account. If your email address is with Gmail then you already have a Google Account, your Gmail Account and Google Account are one and the same. However if your email account is a non Gmail account you will have to create a Google Account which is associated with your non Gmail email account before you can add yourself to our email lists.

If you have an Gmail Account then skip over the section on adding a Google Account (because you already have one) and go to “Adding yourself to a Google Group”.

If you have a non Gmail Account, you will need to complete both sections.

To create a Google Account click on the link below, once there you will need to enter your first name, last name, email address, and a new password for your Google Account ( do not enter the password for your email account ). Then click on the “Next” button and follow the prompts to complete you Google Account setup. As part of this you will be emailed a verification to your email account and you will have to enter that verification into the Google Account setup process when prompted.


After all of this has been completed successfully, you can click on the following link to go to Google Groups:

Adding yourself to a Google Group:


If all went well, you should now be on the Google Groups “My Groups” page. On the top search bar click the little down arrow and then select “All groups and messages”. Then you can enter one of our Google Group names and join that group.

For detailed help on this use the following link from Google: HELP JOINING GROUPS

The Google Group Names that WPGC uses are as follows:




This new process for adding yourself to our email lists can be a little cumbersome and complicated, but we are entirely at the mercy of Google on how this process works and we are unable to control or change it.