Gathering on the Mattaponi


Gathering on the Mattaponi XVII

Annual Two Day
Club Championship Match

March 16th & 17th, 2024

Last Updated – 01/01/2024

The Mattaponi Sundowners here by invites all Cowboy Shooters to our Annual Two Day Match and Club Championship, “The Gathering on the Mattaponi”. This match will be held on Saturday March 16 and Sunday March 17 of 2024.

On Saturday we will shoot 6 stages and then have a hot lunch (included in the match fee).  On Sunday we will shoot the last 6 stages, have some snacks, and then announce the winners and hand out the awards.

Instead of doing side matches after the Saturday picnic, Included in the cost of the match, we are offering a two stage “Wildbunch” match.  There is no extra charge for this match.  SASS “Wildbunch” rules will be used.  More details on this will be coming out soon.



Registration: We are asking all shooters to preregister for the match, this will allow us to have the correct awards and amount of food.  You can register at any of our matches between now and the registration deadline or mail your registration in to the address listed on the registration form.

This match is limited to 75 Shooters.

Shooters who register late or on the day of the  match, must shoot in the “Cowboy” category. 

We will allow non registered shooters to shoot the match, either Saturday or Sunday. However, non registered shooters will not be eligible for awards.

Click on the link below to download the 2021 Registration Application. This is a PDF form and can either be printed and completed by hand or completed online and then printed.


Match Fees: The costs for both days, includes 12 Stage Main Match Fees, Wild Bunch Match , Shooters Handbook, Alias Name Badge, Lunch on Saturday, Snacks both days and all awards is:

Adult Shooters:                            $60.00
Junior Shooters (18 & under):     $25.00

The costs for a single day of shooting, not eligible for awards (for those who can only make it one single day) is:

Non WPGC Members:                 $15.00
WPGC Members:                         $free

There will be no registration fee refunds after the March 3rd, 2023 deadline.


Categories/Awards: There will be two types of awards issued: Overall and Category Awards.  At the conclusion of the match on Sunday we will issue the Overall Top Cowboy and Cowgirl Awards as well as all of Category Awards.

At the match on Sunday we will issue a 1st Place Category Award to every category pre-registered, there will be no minimum shooter requirements. We will issue additional category awards 2nd Place, etc. based upon the number of registered shooters in the category, as follows:

            2nd Place —– 3+ Shooters
            3rd Place —— 5+ Shooters
            4th Place —— 7+ Shooters
            5th Place —— 9+ Shooters

We will not announce nor lists who has signed up for which category. We will recognize all SASS categories and Cattle Baron.


Scoring: The match will be scored by Total Time. During the match scores will be recorded on paper and on computer via the ACES Scoring System. The paper record will only be for backup purposes, the official scores will be those recorded in ACES.  The match will be scored as a Two Day Match only. 


Registered Shooters for Gathering on the Mattaponi XVII: