
Mattaponi Sundowners: Saturday Match

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Saturday April 27th at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 8:00, the safety meeting will be at 9:45, and we start shooting at 10:00
Stages by Ripsaw are attached.  He is having a medical procedure and won’t be there.  We wish him well.
Weather guessers are predicting temps in the low-to-mid 60’s with cloud cover and a light breeze.  Hope to see you on Saturday.
-Swifty McDraw

Mattaponi Sundowners: Sunday Results


Today was ‘improv’ day at the range.  First, the tents went up on Bay 2 because it started raining early.  A total of 10 people showed up for various reasons, but only 5+1 were still there when the buzzer went off.  When it did, the 1st shooter only got 3 rounds out of his 1st gun, and he had to ‘improv’ on stage 2 with a different rifle.
The 5 shooters loaded together and shot on the ‘whoever is ready’ rule, using a similar rule to select spotters (whoever is watching).  The “+1” ran the clock and kept score while the others shot, spotted, reset knockdowns,or picked up brass.  Halfway through the match, it was ‘improv’ time again.  Rather than move tents to Bay 3, ‘we’ moved the plate rack and a few Bay 3 targets to Bay 2 and made it usable with the already-written stage descriptions.
You know it was an unusual day when you notice the 100 point spread between 1st place and 2nd place in the scores.  Congratulations to Major B.S. Walker for the win and to the entire posse for finishing in the top 5.  There were no clean shooters; B.S. wins the ‘dagnabbit’ award with a single miss.  Everyone else had either a SDQ or at least 1 P, but that had nothing to do with the weather.
However all of that may sound, everyone seemed to have a good time.  It wasn’t windy, the temp was tolerable, and the firing line and everything else had a tent over it.  Yes, it rained, but not enough to keep the Mattaponi Sundowners from having their scheduled match.
Scores attached.
-Swifty McDraw

Mattaponi Sundowners: Sunday Match & Beyond

Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Sunday April 21st at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 10:00, the safety meeting will be at 12:15, and we start shooting at 12:30
Stages by Major B.S. Walker attached.
Beyond Sunday:
1) KC’s Corral is having their annual Thunder in the Brush match on May 18-19.
2) Our annual Black Powder match Smoke on the Mattaponi will be held on Saturday June 22nd.  We can’t call it a championship; it’s called the SASS Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout.  Match Information with Registration and Sponsorship details are posted HERE.
Sponsorships are available at Levels 1-5 for $25+, $50+, $100+, $200+, and $400+ in any combination of cash, merchandise, or gift certificates.  Cash is used to help defer expenses and keep the registration fee as low as possible.  Merchandise and Gift Certificates are used for Door Prizes and/or Raffles.
Hope to see you Sunday, again next Saturday, at KC’s in May, and at “The Smoke Match” in June.
-Swifty McDraw


WPGC Double Action Match

WPGC is planning on holding the DA match on Thursday, April, 11, 2024. Again, the forecast is iffy, but it looks like rain will begin around 13:30. If that holds we will go ahead with the match. Please let me know if you plan to attend. I will send a notification between 17:00 and 19:00 on Wednesday, April 10. Please respond to:
Thanks, Leo

Smoke on the Mattaponi XVII (June 22, 2024)

SASS Presents
Smoke on the Mattaponi XVII
The Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout
The Mattaponi Sundowners and West Point Gun Club are proud to announce that registration is now open for our annual Black Powder match to be held on June 22nd.
There are three attachments that hopefully will tell you all you need to know about the match, the registration process, and the schedule.
The other two attachments provide Sponsorship Information and a form for Sponsors.  One reason for this early announcement is to give potential sponsors plenty of time to make their plans.  Literally anyone can be a Sponsor and we welcome all Sponsorships, whether you plan to attend the match or not.
These files are not yet posted on our website but they will be soon.  There will be a Shooter’s List posted on the web as registrations start arriving.
‘Nuff Said
-Swifty McDraw

WPGC Rimfire Steel Match

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter Weekend.
WPGC will be holding our monthly Rimfire Challenge match on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Slim will be recuperating from chemo over the next few months and feels like it is a bit much for him at the moment. I spoke with his wife, Phy yesterday and she says he is doing pretty well.
I will send out another reminder next week in the usual time slot and announce the schedule. The forecast for next Wednesday is, of course, rain, all day. I will wait until the day gets closer before making a decision on the match. 
Please forward your blessings and prayers to Slim and Phy for his speedy recovery.

Mattaponi Sundowners: Today’s Match Scrubbed


Today’s cowboy match at WPGC has been cancelled.  The forecast is for steady rain with 15 kt wind from the South.
Our April matches will be on Sunday April 21 and Saturday April 27th.
-Swifty McDraw