13 JUL Rimfire Steel Match


According to Weather Bug, there is a 70% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow starting at 8 AM through about noon, diminishing to a 60 % chance for the rest of the afternoon. I don’t mind shooting in the rain, but not in thunderstorms. Too many bad memories from the Army.

So I’m sitting here wondering whether to cancel tomorrow’s match. Realizing that the “weatherman” is as wrong as he is right, I’m willing to go out to the range and see what happens before we set up. So I’ll be out there at the usual 8:30 AM. We’ll make a decision then as to what to do.

I understand that those of you who live a ways out of town may not want to drive all the way out here to have to turn back if the weather isn’t safe. So we’ll see what happens and see you on 03 AUG if you decide not to come out tomorrow.



WPGC – Cowboy Match Reminder – Saturday June 25th, 2016

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting the Virginia State Black Powder Shootout, Smoke on the Mattaponi IX, on Saturday, June 25th, at the West Point Gun Club.

This match will be in place of our regular 4th Saturday match.

A separate email will be coming out later today to the registered shooters for the Smoke on the Mattaponi with all of the details on the match.

If you want to shoot in the Smoke on the Mattaponi match and have not registered, there is still time to do so. You will have to shoot in an established category, use “black powder” ammunition, be a current SASS member, etc., if interested please contact us as soon as possible and we will work out the details.

On the email I sent out with the scores from our 3rd Sunday match, I forgot to mention that we had the honor of welcoming a new shooter to our Cowboy Family. The cowboy was Frontier Mick, who has been observing several matches over the last couple of months and got to shoot his very first cowboy match with us on Sunday. So please join me in welcoming Frontier Mick to the fold and we are looking forward to shooting with him for many more matches to come.

Safe Travels,


WPGC – Smoke on the Mattaponi IX Scores – Saturday June 25th, 2016

Added pictures from the Smoke on the Mattaponi IX match under our “Gallery” menu option.


Adding the Shooter’s Handbook from the match which includes the stages….

WPGC – Stages – Smoke on the Mattaponi 2016.docx
WPGC – Stages – Smoke on the Mattaponi 2016.pdf

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Smoke on the Mattaponi IX match is now a part of history, a very special thanks to our sponsors, shooters, and everyone that helped make this match a huge success!!!!

As part of our contract with SASS, we can not award or recognize the overall top shooters, only category winners. However, I have attached the score results from ACES that lists all shooters sorted by overall finish. Remember that our Smoke Match is scored by Total Time, not rank point like we usually use. I have also attached the scores sorted by category and the list of Clean All Day shooters.

Please congratulate all of our Category Winners!!!! and our Clean All Day Shooters!!!!!!!

I have a lot of photographs from the match and will be getting those up on our web site over the next several days, www.westpointgunclub.com.

We were blessed with not one but two Frontier Cartridge Buckarettes, Cardinal Wind and Mocking Jay, Mocking Jay was shooting her first ever cowboy match today. These young ladies can show all you wimps who are afraid to shoot black powder, just how it is done.

Next year will be the 10th anniversary of our all black powder match, we are going to be working hard over the next year to make sure the 10th anniversary is one to remember. Write it down on your calendars, Saturday, June 24th, 2017, Smoke on the Mattaponi X, you won’t want to miss it.

Now it is time to layout on the couch and rest my feet.

SOTM IX 2016 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
SOTM IX 2016 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf
SOTM IX 2016 MatchResultsByCatTime.pdf

Safe Travels,


WPGC Rimfire Steel Match Announcement for WED, 13 JUL; NOTE: 13 JUL

Hello Shooters!

Due to scheduling conflicts, the JULY Rimfire Steel Match originally scheduled for 06 JUL will be held on 13 JUL.  Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it has been (without the rain).  See you all then.

Refer to http://www.wpgc.us/west_ point_gun_club/rimfire-steel- match.html for a description of these matches and equipment requirements. In addition, the Open class will be available. In addition to that, the Cowboy Class will allow two Single-Action revolvers to be fired “gunfighter style” (one in each hand).

Gates open at 8:30 a.m.; match starts at 10.


WPGC – Cowboy Scores – Sunday June 19th, 2016

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners held their monthly 3rd Sunday match today, Father’s Day, at the West Point Gun Club.

The weather was a little on the warm side but with plenty of tents setup for shade and all the fans going it was really not that bad.

Congratulations to Cody Maverick as the Top Overall Shooter. Congratulations to Beartooth, One Eyed Rooster, Smackwater, Will Sonnet, and Wistful McClintock as our Clean All Day Shooters.

Note – one category correction BS Walker category was FCGF.

2016-06-19 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
2016-06-19 DetailedMatchResultsByRank.pdf

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

Reminder, next Saturday, the 4th Saturday, we will be holding our Smoke on the Mattaponi match, the all blackpowder match, and will not be holding our regular monthly match.

Safe Travels,


PS – On the email I sent out with the scores from our 3rd Sunday match, I forgot to mention that we had the honor of welcoming a new shooter to our Cowboy Family. The cowboy was Frontier Mick, who has been observing several matches over the last couple of months and got to shoot his very first cowboy match with us on Sunday. So please join me in welcoming Frontier Mick to the fold and we are looking forward to shooting with him for many more matches to come.

WPGC – Cowboy Match & Stages – Sunday June 19th, 2016

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding their monthly 3rd Sunday match, this Sunday, June 19th, 2016, at the West Point Gun Club.

The stages have been written by Prairie City Slim and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

WPGC Cowboy June 19 2016 Stages.doc
WPGC Cowboy June 19 2016 Stages.pdf

The weather for Sunday looks good, we will have tents/fans setup as need for heat/rain and if needed will send out an update on Friday but no news is good news.

Additional information is available on our web site at www.westpointgunclub.com. The match itself will start at 12:30 pm with the gates opening at 10:00, registration running from 10:30 till Noon and the mandatory safety meeting at Noon. All shooters must have registered for the match by 12:00, Noon. The costs of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for members of WPGC.

Safe Travels,


West Point Double Action Scores June 9 2016

Ten folks came out on a day when the weather was absolutely beautiful to shoot the West Point Double Action match.
It was good to see Dallas back shooting. Also enjoyed Goosefoot’s humor even though he didn’t shoot today.

There were no clean shooters today. Flatboat won the main match, Red won the J Frame stage and Beartooth won the 1911 stage. Congrats to all of our winners.

West point DA match Scores June 9 2016.pdf
West point DA match Scores June 9 2016.xlsx


West Point Double Action Match

The West Point Gun Club will be having their monthly Double Action match this Thursday, June 9th. The gates open at 8:00 AM, setup starts at 8:30 AM, sign up starts at 8:30 AM and shooting starts at 10:00 AM. In addition to our 6 stage Double Action match, we will be having the following:

– 20 round J-Frame (5 shot, short barrel) stage
– 20 round 1911 stage using Wild Bunch Rules (smaller frame carry 1911’s are OK to use)
– We will also be shooting a 29 round stage (24 with normal DA Firearm then 5 rounds with a J-Frame) this will be one of the 6 DA stages

As normal all stages are shot using adult caliber firearms (center fire) and no lasers, red dot or other optics are allowed.

Prairie City Slim

WPGC Rimfire Steel Match Scores for 01 JUN

Hello Shooters!!

Well we had a great day yesterday! Weather was great and I hope everyone had a good time. Here are the scores for the day. We had twelve shooters today.

Congrats to Beartooth, Nutmegger, NNG, Kidd at Heart, Bob Blevins, and Tracker Tom for shooting clean all day. this time we only had two classes Limited and Open. Beartooth took top honors in the Limited Class and Don Fenton took the Open Class.

West Point Rimfire Match Scores 01 JUN 2016.pdf
West Point Rimfire Match Scores 01 JUN 2016.xlsx

The next match will be on 06 JUL. Looking forward to seeing you then
