
Mattaponi Sundowners results

Howdy All,

Attached are the results from today. It was a nice day for shooting and glad to have Lillypad join us.

Congrats to Major B. S. Walker as Overall match winner. Congrats to Ripsaw as the only clean shooter.

I’m sorry I missed today but I’m more than a little sore. I’m happy to say I now have a pink foot and pulse in my foot again. I want to thank each of you for the prayers, emails and ice cream sent my way.  I won’t be able to shoot for a couple of weeks but looking forward to at least being with y’all soon. Love you all.

Sassy and Potter

MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 3-27-2021

Mattaponi Sundowners match for Saturday

H o w d y   A l l , 

 A t t a c h e d   a r e   t h e   s t a g e s   f o r   S a t u r d a y   s   m a t c h   w i t h   t h e   M a t t a p o n i   S u n d o w n e r s .   

 G a t e s   w i l l   o p e n   a t   0 8 0 0 ,   s a f e t y   m e e t i n g   a t   0 9 3 0   a n d   s h o o t i n g   s t a r t s   a t   1 0 0 0 . 

 W e   d o n   t   k n o w   a n y t h i n g   a b o u t   a   t i m e   o n   F r i d a y   y e t     f o r   m y   s u r g e r y   b u t   I   k n o w   t h a t   I   w o n   t   b e   s h o o t i n g   e v e n   t h o u g h   I   w r o t e   t h e   m a t c h .   I   h o p e   y o u   a l l   f i n d   i t   f u n . 

 S a s s y   a n d   P o t t e r 


Gathering results of Saturday and Sunday and Wildbunch

Howdy Again,

When Potter comes up this bright idea again, I just may have to shoot him!!  We had to enter the scores twice to get this. are the scores by Saturday and Sunday.


Cody Maverick                  68.08
Gun-Em-Down                  79.29
Bucksaw Bob                      103.06
Dakota Rambler                111.30
One Eyed Rooster            120.04
The Old Salt                        120.73
Kidd AtHeart                      124.08
Frontier Mick                     139.82
Ripsaw                                  155.10
El Diablo Don                     158.48
Ledford Leroy                    177.06
Major B. S. Walker           182.51


Everyone stay safe. Enjoyed having you all this weekend.

Potter County Kid


Gathering 2021 Saturday
Gathering 2021 Sunday

Mattaponi Sundowners: Gathering results of Saturday and Sunday and Wildbunch

Howdy All,

This was going out last night, the last I looked, then today I found it in draft status.  Sorry for the delay.  We had to enter the scores 2 separate times to get this to come out.


 Cody Maverick                  68.08
Gun-Em-Down                  79.29
Bucksaw Bob                      103.06
Dakota Rambler                111.30
One Eyed Rooster            120.04
The Old Salt                        120.73
Kidd AtHeart                      124.08
Frontier Mick                     139.82
Ripsaw                                  155.10
El Diablo Don                     158.48
Ledford Leroy                    177.06
Major B. S. Walker           182.51



Mattaponi Sundowners: gathering match results

Howdy All,

Well, we managed to finally have a match at WPGC. It sure was nice to see everyone again.  We sincerely hope that everyone had a good time.  We apologize for the things we have had to leave out but that’s what happens when you are waiting on the Governor to make decisions.

Congrats to Gun-Em-Down and Quilla Star as the top cowboy and cowgirl for the match.  Congrats to Cody Maverick, Flatboat Bob, Longhorn Louie, Major B. S. Walker, Prairie City Slim, and Quilla Star for shooting match.

Thanks to Prairie City Slim for the great match, to the set up crew and the tear down crew.  We can’t do this alone.

Mattaponi Sundowners will be having a match next Saturday. More match details will be coming on Tuesday.

Sassy would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers.

Potter County Kid


Gathering 2021 match results
Gathering 2021 CAD

Gathering on the Mattaponi and prayer request

Howdy All,

The important stuff first; if you haven’t registered for the “Gathering on The Mattaponi” but plan on shooting please send us an email telling us your name and what category you will be shooting in.  You can wait to pay on Saturday, first day of the match. It is very important that we get this information prior to the match as I need to get the computers set up as much as possible before Saturday.

On to the next part. I will not be shooting the match but will be coming as I feel I can.  My back went out a couple of weeks ago and it’s slow to come back. In the time that this was starting I noticed some changes in my right foot that was alarming.  Being hardheaded I did finally go to the doctor. What is going on with the right foot has been very painful at the same time as the back, it’s improving, some.  The doctor was alarmed when he couldn’t find a pulse in my right foot.  I was sent for some testing of the artery and they found a severe abnormally in the right leg. I was then sent to a vascular surgeon.  It seems that I have an arterial blockage in my right leg. I’m scheduled for OR (operating room) testing to find the exact place of the blockage and with big hopes this will only need angioplasty and stenting to open up the artery.  Anyway, that’s the plan and it’s scheduled for this to be done March 26. The reason I’m not shooting as I can’t risk any injury to my leg or foot as with severe lack of blood flow healing would be impaired.  All prayers will be greatly appreciated. Love you all. Sassy

Potter and Sassy

Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy All,

With the State of Virginia easing the Covid19 restrictions, the Mattaponi Sundowners’ are pleased to announce that we are resuming our shooting schedule. We will be starting with our annual two day match, March 20 and 21.  We are doing things a little different this year.  We have reduced the price to $30.00 (even though the app still shows $50.00), will not issue badges, awards or have our normal picnic.  We will shoot 6 stages on Saturday then after a short break a 2 stage Wildbunch mini match. After the mini match we will reset the stages for Sunday.  Sunday we will shoot the final 6 stages, break the range down while the scores are being done. The announcement of category and overall winners will be announced then.

Dry camping is available for anyone who wishes to camp.  Please let us know if you do plan to camp.  There is no charge for camping but we need to know who plans on camping. Email us at:, text or leave a message at 804-241-5418 or 804-241-4521.

We will provide snacks and water.  Please plan to pack a lunch and your favorite flavored drinks. Attached is the application. Please join us and help knock the rust off our targets.  I plan to shoot next weekend at Pungo on Saturday and Cavalier on Sunday if you don’t want to mail the application, you can hand deliver it.

Dust off the guns, if you haven’t been shooting and come join us.  We really miss seeing our “Cowboy and Cowgirl family”.  We will be practicing social distancing as much as possible and mask wearing is not mandatory except for the timer operators, even though it’s a good idea. 

Hope to see y’all there.

Potter and Sassy

Gathering on the Mattaponi

Cowboys and Cowgirls,

With Governor Northram’s 10-person assembly limit being extended through February it is proving to be difficult to plan for a two-day match in March, if the 10-person limit is extended into March we would be forced to cancel the match.  So, what we have decided to do is reduce the entry fee to $30.00 for 2 days of shooting. We would not have badges, awards, or our usual picnic. These items require early ordering and with the possibility of cancellation it would not be financially feasible.

We still would like you to preregister but instead of $50.00 per shooter it will be $30.00 per shooter. We will not turn any money or checks in for deposit until we know for sure we can have the match. If we cannot have the match, we will contact you to see if you want your check returned or if you want us to shred it. We will try our best to send notification of a cancellation of the match by March 7.

We apologize for being so vague but with the uncertainty of the pandemic and not knowing what restrictions, if any, will be in place in March. This is the best plan we can come up with.

Attached is the application. Please get them in as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Mattaponi Sundowners

Potter County Kid


Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy all Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowner’s January matches scheduled for Sunday, January 17 and Saturday, January 23 are being cancelled. The reason for this is due to the Governors mandate of “no assembly of 10 or more” people and according to the Virginia Dept. of Health reporting a double digit increase in the positivity rate since Christmas.  We hope things will get under control soon as we truly miss being with are friends. No decision has been made about the February matches but we will send out an announcement as soon as we have more details.

We have begun making plans for our annual two day match, “The Gathering on The Mattaponi.”  The dates for this match are March 20 and 21, 2021.  Information and applications are available on our website (  Prairie City Slim is working on the stages and we are looking forward to another great match,

Hope to see our Cowboy and Cowgirl friends soon. Please take care and be safe.

Sassy and Potter