Cowboys & Cowgirls,
The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding their monthly 4th Saturday match, this Saturday, May 28th, 2016 at the West Point Gun Club.
We will start shooting at 10:00 am with the gates opening at 8:00, registration running from 8:30 till 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting at 9:45 am. The costs of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for members of WPGC.
Additional information is available on our NEW WEB SITE located at:
The stages have been written by Flatboat Bob and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats. The stage drawings are in a separate PDF document.
STAGES FOR MAY 28, 2016 (Reprised).doc
STAGES FOR MAY 28, 2016 (Reprised).pdf
WPGC Stage Drawings 05-28-2016.pdf
A couple of things about this match….
First, Flatboat Bob, Sassy Shooting Sours and Potter County Kid will not be at the match they are going to be shooting the Pennsylvania State Match this weekend,. So, if you need to get a hold of someone about the match, or need to contact us the day of the match, please call myself at 804-339-8442.
Second, this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend, and the Interstate Highways are going to be very busy, you should allow extra time for traveling or consider taking alternate routes.
The last item of business, our Smoke on the Mattaponi IX match, the Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout, the registration deadline is June 1st, nine days from today. I have attached the registration application to this email.
2016 SOTM – Shooter Application.pdf
Safe Travels,