Mattaponi Sundowners: Christmas plans

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, had plenty of great foods and recovered from over eating.

We just wanted to put a bug into everyone’s ear about our Christmas plans.  We plan on having our Christmas match on Dec. 19 with dinner afterwards at Nick’s .  We plan on having a Chinese gift exchange of a Cowboy related item. Keep the price near $25. If you want to come to the dinner but not participate in the gift exchange, that is fine. If you would like to come to the dinner and gift exchange and not shoot, that is ok to.

Nick’s has been good to us and we would like to treat them well also especially since a place for s Christmas parties is at a premium. I would like to get a head count especially of those that don’t plan on being at the match. If you plan on coming to dinner but not shoot, please send me an email informing me of this.

There is also a match with us before the Christmas match, on Dec. 11.

Sassy and Potter