What a day! If you weren’t there, you missed a good one – good crowd, good weather, and good sportsmanship. You also missed seeing Bingo Montana win his first match at WPGC (lots of times in second place; no firsts until today). He was also the only shooter today with no misses and no P’s. Congratulations Bingo. Mac Moshannon laid claim to the ‘dagnabbit’ award (one miss and no P’s).
Welcome back to Single Barrel Sam; haven’t seen him in a long time. Also, it was good to see Prairie City Slim and One Eyed Jane, who stopped by to watch the match and join us afterward for dinner.
Among the four of us in the Josey Wales category, Potter County Kid took the honors, followed at a distance by Wistful McClintock. Cotton Connie and I unintentionally competed for the most misses. Oh well, it was a lot of fun. Flatboat Bob was planning to shoot Josey Wales, but other obligations had priority. He can’t shoot long guns any more, so he was going to shoot with six revolvers (fifth = shotgun; sixth = ‘split’ shotgun from a different prop). Stay tuned — he might be doing that at Shoot for a Cure, coming up on October 20th.
Scores Attached.
-Swifty McDraw