Green Top Expo

Green Top Sporting Goods has scheduled the Green Top Expo for Saturday October 5 from 8:00 to 6:00 and Sunday October 6 from 8:00 to 5:00.

Potter County Kid is asking for volunteers to help sell raffle tickets for a $500.00 Green Top Gift Card to benefit the American Cancer Society. Also to promote SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Competition. This is not a Mattaponi Sundowners promotion. It is a collective promotional of all our area clubs. The goal is to sell raffle tickets to raise money for the American Cancer Society and with any luck, bring new shooters into our sport.

If you can spare an hour or two or more on either day I can use your help. And of course there will be time to walk around and shop the many vendors attending.

If you are able to help, please let me know by calling/texting me at 804 241 5418 or by email at and let me know which day and time you are available.

-for Potter County Kid