Howdy Again,
Well, my head is back to room temp (with A/C), my grey matter seems to be working again, and the Smoke on the Mattaponi scores are what they should be. The detailed version is attached, along with ‘clean’ shooters and the results of the Plainsman match. If you need a corrected copy of the scores sent last night, they will be posted on the WPGC web site sometime soon. Not quite as soon, I hope to post the contents of a thumb drive with photos of all shooters, courtesy of Buzzard Bayne (the volunteer with a camera). If you follow him on facebook, he also shot some video.
Many thanks once again to our 23 Sponsors, which included 10 individuals, 10 businesses, and each of our 3 nearby Cowboy Action clubs. Thanks also to those who participated in our raffle and congratulations to all the winners.
I could spend the rest of the day thanking everyone who contributed toward the planning, the preparation, and the execution of this match. On behalf of Potter County Kid, our match director, we thank each and every one of you. We had a safe match and (hopefully) we all had fun.
-Swifty McDraw