Mattaponi Sundowners results 11-07-2020

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

What a wonderful day for shooting, especially in November, not too hot and not too cold, JUST RIGHT!! I might be a little prejudice  but I thought it was a great match and I could remember the line too.

Congrats to Cody Maverick as Overall Match Winner. Congrats to Bingo Montana, Cotton Connie, Flatboat Bob, Longhorn Louie, One Eyed Jane and Potter County Kid for shooting CAD.

We hope y’all had a good time.  Remember Handsome Huggy’s family in your prayers.

Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting next Sunday. This is a weird month so mark your calendars accordingly.  We will send out the match stages next Tuesday.  Hope y’all can make it.

Sassy and Potter

CAD 11-07-20
results 11-07-20