Mattaponi Sundowners: Christmas Match

We hope to see lots of Cowboys and Cowgirls at the range this Sunday, Dec 17, for the Mattaponi Sundowners’ annual Christmas match.  
Whether shooting or not, you are invited to join us after the match at Nick’s for dinner and ‘Cowboy Christmas’ gift exchange.  If you won’t be at the range by match time, but plan to join the party at Nick’s, please call or text Potter at 804-241-5418 to let him know you’re coming.  He needs to give an accurate head count to Nick’s.  If you’re going there directly, we’ll probably finish the match by 4:15 and be on our way to Nick’s around 4:45 or 5:00.
The gift exchange after dinner is open to Cowboys/Cowgirls and guests.  If you bring a gift, you get a gift.  If a Grinch ‘steals’ the one you pick, you can choose another one from the table or ‘steal’ from somebody else.  The limit is 3 steals – the 4th ‘owner’ takes it home.
For the match, gates open at 10, the safety briefing is at 12:15, and shooting starts at 12:30.  Stages by Cody Maverick are attached.
-Swifty McDraw