Happy New Year Cowboys and Cowgirls,
Before you hang that new calendar on your wall or refrigerator, you may want to mark some important dates on your shooting schedule for 2025.
The RO2 class by Redrider Slim is scheduled for February 8th at the Rivanna Ranger Co range near Charlottesville. Contact Captain R. Hugh Kidnme (CaptRHK@gmail.com) for registration.
The WPGC will have its annual Gathering on the Mattaponi match on March 15-16. Let’s hope Spring comes a week or two early this year.
If you haven’t heard, the Blue Ridge Roundup will return this year and will be held on April 11-12-13. Look for the Blue Ridge Regulators on Facebook for details or contact ‘The Old Salt’ at theoldsalt8375@yahoo.com.
Dates for other special matches are: May 17-18 for Thunder in the Brush, June 28 for the SASS VA State Blackpowder Shootout (Smoke on the Mattaponi), August 29-30-31 for the SASS VA State Championship, October 19 for the Pat Graves Memorial Shoot for a Cure, and October 24-25-26 for the Sussex County Range War.
We hope to see lots of you at our monthly matches as well. Our full schedule for 2025 and years to come is posted on our website www.westpointgunclub.com. Click ‘Range Calendar’ on the menu bar for an interactive monthly calendar. Also, annual Mattaponi Sundowners PDF calendars can be found under Shooting Programs >= SASS Cowboy Action >= Schedules, Stages, and Scores.
-Swifty McDraw