Sunday Match Results

If there were any complaints today, they weren’t about the weather. It warmed up fast and cooled down fast (below 60 is cool on my scale), but it was a great day.
The flying feathered fowl may have been the only ones complaining. More than half of the flock that took flight flew their final few flaps. The others evaded the pellets but had a crash landing.

Congratulations to our winner Cody Maverick and to our only clean shooter Frontier Mick (clean with a bonus).

Our next match (tentatively) will be a Wild Bunch match on Saturday December 7th. It’s on the agenda for our forthcoming club meeting and won’t be official until we vote to put that date on our schedule. Our last match of the year will be on Sunday December 15th, which will be followed by a Christmas gift exchange at Nick’s.

Scores attached.

-Swifty McDraw

Mattaponi Sundowners 3rd Sun. (11_17_24)_ Overall Winners Details by Time

Mattaponi Sundowners 3rd Sun. (11_17_24)_ Overall Winners List by Time